Join the team from Fox & Partners for our new practical podcast series, based on scenarios from our day-to-day practice. We are a City firm of specialist partnership and employment lawyers, with particular expertise in dispute resolution and litigation. Our clients include senior executives, as well as partners, members, partnerships and LLPs in the legal and financial services sectors, and corporate organisations. The content of this podcast is not legal advice and is not intended to provide more than general commentary on the subject matter. Specialist employment or partnership law advice should always be sought about your specific circumstances.

Monday May 09, 2022
Episode 8: Derivative actions in the LLP context
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
In our latest podcast our partner Dean Fuller and Associate Eleanor Diamond examine a lesser-known remedy that members of an LLP may consider when they have suffered loss due to actions of the majority, opening up the possibility for members to bring their claim using the firm’s funds. There are number of recent cases which are of particular importance when considering derivative actions in the LLP context and, in the light of these, Dean and Eleanor discuss:
- The potential for members to bring actions on behalf of the LLP against a wrongdoing majority
- What we can learn from recent case law in this area
- The advantages and potential pitfalls of bringing derivative actions

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Episode 7 - Special Guest Episode: The challenges of making a new start
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
With reports of an abnormally high volume of resignations this year, many of those resigning will want to take a different career path, but that can be hard to do well. In this podcast our Ivor Adair and special guest Rachel Brushfield discuss the challenges of making a new start post-pandemic covering:
- How to make a good new career choice;
- Planning for the transition;
- Tools you need to drive your plan forward;
- Top tips for executive transitions.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
There has been a significant mental health decline amongst the work leaders since the pandemic. Our Catriona Watt and guest speaker Nikki Swan discuss Senior Executive and Partner Well-being post-pandemic covering:
- the impact of working through the pandemic on senior leadership mental health
- fundamental principles to ensure and implement a culture of wellbeing
- takeaways for senior individuals and firms interested in well-being at work

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Episode 5: All my own views… Social media in the workplace
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
With the rise in social media use and leadership teams placing increasing importance on reputation, our Ivor Adair and Claire Plumb provide practical guidance for employers including:
- What to do when employees post undesirable comments on social media;
- What a good social media policy should cover;
- The benefits of guidelines and training for social media use;
- How employers can protect their confidential information;
- Considerations for monitoring online activity.

Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Episode 4: Whistle while we work – Encouraging a culture of openness
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
Tuesday Jun 29, 2021
To mark World Whistleblowers' Day, our Caroline Field and Remziye Ozcan discuss why a focus on prevention of whistleblowing claims is often better for all parties than a successful outcome at trial, including:
- Creating a culture of “speaking up”, and the importance of setting the tone from the top
- What can a good policy do
- Common pitfalls when disclosures are made in practice
- Industry specific requirements
- Predictions for the future

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode 3: ‘Jumping Partner Ship’ – managing partner transitions
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
At a time of high mobility within the professional services market, this month’s episode, featuring Dean Fuller and Eleanor Diamond, looks at how partners leaving one firm to join another can best manage their transition, including:
- The importance of financial due diligence
- Considerations of liability
- Future exit provisions
- Issues relating to restrictive covenants and team moves
- Alignment on attitude to risk and cultural fit

Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
In this special guest episode, featuring David Reade QC from Littleton Chambers and Ivor Adair, we look at the unanticipated implications of the recent Uber judgment on the employment status of partners. What new risks does the judgment present for partnerships and LLPs and what can firms do to protect themselves? Why is this potentially significant? What should current and prospective partners, particularly junior equity and fixed share partners be aware of?

Thursday May 06, 2021
Episode 1: Identifying and investigating team moves in a changing work environment
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
At a time when economic turbulence is leading to increased team move activity, Fox & Partners’ Ivor Adair and Shiv Raja look at the challenges facing employers investigating suspicions of a team move, particularly in a home-working environment. How can you spot the early signs of a team move, and how can IT help? What practical steps can you take and what are the pitfalls to avoid?

Friday Apr 30, 2021
Launching Soon: Foxed? Partnership & Employment Law Insights
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
A quick heads up on our new podcast exploring legal issues around partnerships and employment law.